Welcome to our VacSupplies line! We provide vacuum packaging solutions for all your needs. Vacuum packaging supplies for foodsaver style vacuum sealers, chamber vacuum sealers (including our very own
VacSeries), and rollstock thermoformers. We provide small-quantity solutions along with bulk packaging sales to reduce costs for large-scale companies. We are nerds when it comes to the very construction of the packaging we provide. What's the ideal material for your application? Medium barrier, high barrier, EVOH, Nylon, Poly, Cast, or Blown? Not sure what all this means? No worries! We have that base covered, so you don't have to! We believe in providing quality packaging!
Here is all of what we carry on our VacSupplies - vacuum packaging line! VacPouch (chamber vacuum pouches),
VacShrink (chamber vacuum shrink bags),
VacForm (forming films),
VacSeal (non-forming forms),
VacPeel (easy-to-peel films), and
VacGuard (boneguard materials).