How To Use The Wine Stopper - Vac100 - VacNews

How to Use the Wine Stopper (100-04) – JVR Vac100

“Preserve wines for up to one month to enjoy a fresh taste weeks later!”

Today, we explain how to use the wine stopper accessory to extend the shelf life of opened bottles of wine. Preserve wines for up to one month to enjoy a fresh taste weeks later!

The wine stopper and accessory hose, both products needed for this wine sealing process, come free with the purchase of a JVR Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer!


NOTE: The wine stopper accessory cannot be used to seal sparkling wines.

How To Use The Wine Stopper - Vac100 - VacNews

The wine stopper accessory (100-04) can be used to plug and vacuum seal opened wine. This accessory can preserve wines and keep wine fresh for up to one month. If you have open wine from a party or small gathering, use the wine stopper to elongate the wine’s lifespan!


Program a preset on your Vac100 specifically for sealing any half bottles or opened wine. This way, each time you go to seal the remaining wine in a bottle, the process is quick and easy.

Wine Stopper- Extend Your Open Bottle Shelf Life

After the unit is powered on, hit the settings button to access all programs. Select the program number that you want to save for wine sealing. Use the increase and decrease buttons to scan through your program list. Once you have selected a program, hit the settings button to adjust vacuum time (about 50 seconds in this case). Vacuum time can always be adjusted later. Next, hit the settings button again to adjust the sealing time to 0 seconds. Then, hit the settings button one last time to adjust the cooling time to 0 seconds. Remember to use the increase and decrease buttons to adjust times. When finished, hit the settings or stop button to exit and save out of the program set.


Attach the wine stopper accessory over the top of an open bottle of wine. Next, grab the accessory hose. Now that your program is set and on the display, hit the pump button on the control overlay. Then, slide one end of the accessory hose over the vacuum port that’s inside the chamber of the Vac100. Place the other end of the hose over the head of the wine stopper.

Once you see the wine start to rapid boil, hit the decrease button to stop the vacuum cycle. The rapid boil indicates that your product has reached the maximum potential of vacuum draw on that specific bottle of wine. Pop the accessory hose off the head of the wine stopper and remove the other end of the accessory port. Your wine is now sealed!

This process significantly improves the preservation of leftover white and red wine. Are you looking for extra stoppers? Shop wine stoppers here.


Do you need a Vac100 chamber vacuum sealer? Learn more about the Vac100 and its features here. Not only can the Vac100 preserve wine, but it’s also capable of vacuum sealing liquids, retort bags, and mason jars. It’s also the perfect solution for sous vide cooking. Not all chamber vacuum sealers are built the same. The JVR Vac100 stands apart from its competition.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | what is a chamber vacuum sealer

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How To Change Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter - Vac310

How to Change Pump Exhaust Filter (Gray Pump) | JVR Vac310

” Today, we will take you through a step-by-step process of replacing the exhaust filter as the vacuum pump has been constructed to make self-service possible.”

A very common question for us to receive is: “How do I replace the vacuum pump exhaust filter in my Vac310?”

Today, we will answer that question simply.

Have you noticed that your Vac310 chamber vacuum sealer is performing with diminishing quality, producing smoke or even an oil mist? These are a select few examples pointing to the possibility that your pump exhaust filter may need replacing. Today, we will take you through a step-by-step process of replacing the exhaust filter as the vacuum pump has been constructed to make self-service possible. As a result, you can avoid the extra cost of paying for a technician to fix something which can easily be done on your own!

How To Change Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter - Vac310
JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

All VacSeries sold by JVR Industries are designed to be constructed with an oil-lubricated filtering system installed. This device ensures materials such as dust and other impurities do not pass through and reach the vacuum pump components. The application of an oil filtration system ensures our vacuum pumps achieve high quality and durability.

These vacuum pumps not only offer an effective system but are also a source of sustainability. Similar to the full recovery water fluid system of gas-powered liquid ring vacuum pumps, the oil in our vacuum pumps is fully recycled to prolong the need for a refill. Some systems function in a way where the liquids leak out slowly over time so much more is being used. Our vacuum pumps avoid this by creating an oil mist which is caught before the the air is expelled from the unit. The droplets conjoin and are recycled back into the system. Therefore, these applications result in a system that offers a longer range of time between liquid refills.

How To Change Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter - Vac310

If you own the older model of the Vac310, confirm the filter ordered is the GRAY pump with the part number 310-32. We also carry filters for a our older Vac310 vacuum pump that appear the same but are labeled as a WHITE filter with the part number 310-33.

We recommend you change the exhaust filter about once a year to maintain peak momentum for filtering quality. The range of time between replacements may vary depending on the amount of use.

A strong suggestion would be to order 1-2 new filters along with the initial purchase of your Vac310/Vac410 to allow for ease of momentum throughout your replacement process.

Replacing the exhaust filter is rated moderate difficulty and is expected to take around 30 minutes.

#2 Phillips

10mm & 13mm combination wrenches

1) Step #1 – Unscrew all 6 screws from the panel on the back of the unit using the #2 Phillips (make sure to keep washers with the screws).

  • Hold the panel when you get to the last screw to keep it from falling by pressing toward the unit

2) Step #2 – Remove panel

3) Step #3 – Add 2 in x 4 in boards under each back foot to tilt the unit. This creates space to access the vacuum pump feet below the frame of the unit.

  • CAUTION: Be wary of tilting the unit too much. The weight of these vacuum pumps is not light due to the size and stainless steel material. Tilting a unit of this mass could be extremely dangerous if it were to fall! To avoid this, we suggest no more than two 2 in x 4 in boards to prop the unit to limit the chances created of the unit falling.

1) Step #1 – Use the 13mm combination wrench to loosen the nut securing the foot of the pump under the unit then unscrew it by hand.

2) Step #2 – Lift and rotate the pump to detach from the bottom.

1) Step #1 – Separate the cap found on the vacuum pump by removing the four screws with #2 Phillips.

2) Step #2 – Withdraw the filter from inside the pump

3) Step #3 – Use the 10mm wrench to remove the cap from the filter

4) Step #4 – Make sure to remove all contents used to secure the cap including the washer

1) Step #1 – Unpackage new filter

2) Step #2 – Remove the rubber piece found on the thread

3) Step #3 – Add all contents on the new filter in the same order you found it on the old filter

  • Washer
  • Spring
  • Washer
  • Cap

4) Step #4 – Press all contents down simultaneously so everything is even

5) Step #5 – Screw the nut on to secure the cap and tighten it with a 10mm wrench

6) Step #6 – Confirm O-Ring is placed on the new filter (ships like this)

7) Step #7 – Insert the filter back into the pump

8) Step #8 – Reinsert 4 screws with the Phillips

1) Step #1 – Slide the feet of the pump back into holes on the bottom of the unit and secure it

2) Step #2 – Ensure bolts are secure with the 13mm combination wrench

3) Step #3 – Reinstall the back panel and use the Phillips to secure the screws

Vac310 Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter

If you are looking for a new exhaust filter for your vacuum sealer, click here to access the direct link to order. Additionally, we offer same-day shipping so you do not have to miss a day of work! 

Order a QUART or GALLON of our VacOil along with your new filter purchase! 

Questions? Contact our service department which provides detailed, educated, and personable assistance. Or, watch the video found below that provides further details and a visual for the instructions provided above. 

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VST50 - Vacuum Tumbler Overview

Basic Overview of the VST50 – Vacuum Tumbler

“Expedite your marination process by upgrading to a VST50-vacuum tumbler that provides precision and efficiency.”

VST50 - Vacuum Tumbler


Marinating large amounts of meat is sometimes challenging. Generally, the procedure goes something like this – You add fresh cut meat into a large bowl along with an immaculate marinade mix of soy sauce, possibly some ginger, and spices like salt and garlic to taste. Following several hours, you retrieve the marinaded meat from the fridge for cooking only to find all the marinade has pooled to the bottom of the bowl. What you thought was marinating meat did not, in fact, marinate. In other cases, you had to wait 24 hours for a full marinade on your beef products. Time is the essence when you are doing mass deep tissue marination of food for resale.

Eliminate this frustrating outcome with a VST50-vacuum tumbler that provides a transforming experience for marination. Increase the output and decrease the time for marination to incomparably improve the procedure for commercial-grade results.


Expedite your marination process by upgrading to a vacuum tumbler that provides precision and efficiency that does not result from solely placing a bowl of contents in the fridge to sit. A vacuum tumbler simply does the work of marinating meat for you.  With a drum capacity of 50 lbs., the unit provides ample room to marinate any desired combination such as chicken with a soy sauce-based marinade, or fish with a citrus juice-based marinade in bulk with little effort on your part. Get deep tissue marination results in a fraction of the time!


Because of the constant churning of the tumbler, the marinades will evenly contact all meat surfaces even in bulk amounts for the full duration of marination time. Additionally, what changes the game to create a robust explosion of flavor is the vacuum system. The vacuum pulls air out of the drum which causes the meat contents to expand and allowing the marinade to reach every surface of the meat to bring out more flavor where even the most basic ingredients can be a tasty meal. The pull on the meat produced by the vacuum also benefits in transforming even tougher cuts, delivering a tender texture full of flavor.

VST50 - Vacuum Tumbler


Removable Baffles: Effortless removal makes cleaning easy and ensures sanitary use.

Moisture Collection Reservoir: Functions to collect liquids in order to protect the vacuum oil pump.

Adjustable Tumbler Time: The unit is shipped with set intervals from 0-4 hours. If you require different time intervals, no worries! The times are adjustable via installed dipswitches to match the precision of your marinating process! If interested, then contact the JVR Industries service department for detailed instructions.

50 lb. Drum Capacity: Provides ample space to marinate meat in bulk!

Analog Gauge: This provides an easy way to check the pressure of the amount of vacuum you require.

Stainless Steel Construction: Ensures sustainability, ease of cleaning, and resists corrosion.

Oil Lubricated Vacuum Pump: Longer life span, quieter operation, and pulls higher vacuum than dry piston pumps.

These vacuum tumblers are constructed carefully to provide ease of operation, therefore providing you with simplicity to acquire the desired results.

Prepare the Unit for Loading

Upon unpackaging, place your unit on a flat, solid surface with space to work around it. You will find an unattached component on top of the unit. This is the moisture collection reservoir and does not come preinstalled. It functions to prevent liquid marinade from getting sucked back into the vacuum pump, and, as a result, protecting the oil pump from damage.


How to Install the Moisture Collection Reservoir

To install the reservoir, first, locate the screws on the back of the unit opposite the control panel and confirm the screws have not loosened during shipment. The screws can be secured by lifting the cover and tightening them from the inside of the unit. Secondly, connect the hose found on the unit by simply pushing it onto the quick disconnect fitting found beside the screws. Initially, you will feel a click, but this does not ensure a secure seal until you hear a second click. Lastly, line up the holes found on the back of the reservoir to the screws on the unit, insert the screw, and slide down to attach.

VST25 or VST50 - Removable Baffles Shot


As stated, this tumbler has the capacity to hold up to 50 lbs. of meat! The following steps will take you through how to load your drum for marination.

1) Step #1 – Lift the drum off the rollers and place it upright onto a flat, stable surface.

2) Step #2 – Remove the lid. Unhook the three clasps by lifting the levers and displacing the clasps.

3) Step #3 – Confirm the fins inside the drum are tightened to prevent loosening while tumbling.

4) Step #4 – Load chicken, beef, or any other meats along with a marinade into the drum.

5) Step #5 – Reinstall the lid and ensure it is centered by feeling around the perimeter.

6) Step #6 – Lastly, reinstall clasps (meant to temporarily secure the lid until the vacuum is applied).


The vacuum system is made easy with only a couple of steps to follow! The system is designed to be applied either with the drum upright or set back onto the unit. We recommend getting into the habit of applying the vacuum with the drum upright in case you happen to forget to secure the clasps.

Before beginning, check to ensure the canister on the moisture collection reservoir is tightened by twisting the canister until secure. Additionally, ensure the oil is filled by simply looking through the sight glass.

Now follow these easy steps!


1) Step #1 – Locate the suction cups on the hose hung on the back of the unit as well as the hose from the top of the drum lid.

2) Step #2 – OPEN the valve on the hose entering the drum.

3) Step #3 – Turn ON the vacuum system using the switch on the control panel.

4) Step #4 – Press the suction cups together for a few seconds until they hold independently.

5) Step #5 – Monitor the pressure using the gauge located on the control panel.

6) Step #6 – Turn OFF after the vacuum reaches the desired vacuum.

7) Step #7 – BEFORE disconnecting the hoses, CLOSE the valve on the hose running to the drum to ensure air does not leak out.

8) Step #8 – Disconnect the hoses.

9) Step #9 – Finally, reinstall the drum back onto the unit (make sure the drum reaches the very back to the stops).

You are now ready to begin the tumbler cycle for marinating!


In order to prepare the tumbler cycle to marinate meat, locate the control interface at the front of the unit. You will find these three main controls.


On/Off Switch

Tumble Time

Speed Control (Potentiometer)


Set these controls to the desired settings to perfect your recipe. Then switch the ON/OFF switch to ON, and stand back for the marinating process!


JVR Industries also carries the TM series tumblers distributed by Promarks. JVR Industries has been partners with Promarks for about 20 years and can ensure the unit is constructed carefully to offer the utmost quality for our customers.

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How To Seal Mason Jars Vac110

How to Vacuum Seal Mason Jars | JVR Vac110

“Our stainless steel vacuum sealer can seal multiple mason jars simultaneously with both effectiveness and efficiency to secure a superb airtight seal.”

Today we cover the topic: “How to Vacuum Seal Mason Jars | JVR Vac110”

Today we will discuss how to vacuum seal Mason jars using the JVR Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer. In addition to providing endless possibilities such as vacuum sealing meat to avoid freezer burn, providing a delicious sous vide experience right from your own home, or sealing cut bags to store your dried fruit, the Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer is also well equipped to vacuum seal your Mason jars!

How To Seal Mason Jars Vac110

Consistent adjustments have been made to the Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer to ensure top notch quality and keep our product standing apart from vacuum sealers provided by our competitors. Our stainless steel vacuum sealer can seal multiple mason jars simultaneously with both effectiveness and efficiency to secure a superb airtight seal.

The following dives into explaining what can be vacuum sealed using this process as well as a detailed account of how you can carry out this process simply from your own countertop.

While the vacuum sealing process using retort pouches offers a wide variety of options, the opportunity to seal Mason jars provides a new category to store more delicate foods for meal prep. These include dry, shelf-stable foods such as grains, dried fruits and baking products. This process is NOT meant to package liquids such as soup, sauces, canned fruits, or any items containing moisture even it is shelf-life safe.

Mason Jars Isolated - Vacuum Seal Mason Jars Vac110

Note: Keep in mind this process does not replace the standard sealing process using water baths.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

1-4 of the 16 oz jars or 1-9 of jars of any size up to 8 oz can be sealed simultaneously using the Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer.

The Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer vacuum seals any Mason jar size up to 16 oz.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

If you require space to seal 16 oz – 64 oz Mason jars, then we carry just the product for you! The Vac100 Chamber Accessory (3-gallon) seals 1-2 Mason jars up to 64 oz (½ gallon) simultaneously in addition to performing functions such as expedited brining, marinating, and more!

Vac100 Chamber Accessory

Overview of Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer Control Panel

Stop: Stops any cycle (vacuum sealer or cooling cycle) and exits out of these cycles simultaneously.

Settings: Cycles through vacuum time, seal time, and cool time.

Increase/Decrease: Adjusts any of the cycle times when inside of Settings.

Vac110 Contrl Buttons - Vacuum Seal Mason Jars Vac110

To access all cycle times hit “SETTINGS” one time. You should see the LED near VACUUM on the control panel. Now, hit “INCREASE” or “DECREASE” to adjust the VACUUM cycle time.

To access the next cycle time, simply hit “SETTINGS” two more times to bypass the GAS cycle and enter the SEALING cycle. Gas is put on every control panel because of the gas option potential, but all of the units do not have a gas option installed. (We do not sell a gas flush option on the Vac110. Only models above the Vac110 have this option.) Now, hit “INCREASE” or “DECREASE” to adjust the VACUUM cycle time.

Select “SETTINGS” one more time to access the COOLING cycle time.

The chamber inside the Vac110 is slightly uneven so some factors should be considered for effectiveness of the seal.

Step 1: Set the mouth lids evenly and firmly over the mouth of the selected quantity of Mason jars.

Step 2: Screw the band on ONE thread of each jar in order to keep the mouth lid in place. If the band is too tight, then the sealing process will be altered.

Step 3: Place jars upright in the center of the chamber.

Vac100 Mason Jars Placement

Easy! Close lid of the chamber and the process will begin automatically.

Following sealing, a dimple should form on the top of the mouth lid. This shows the process has created an airtight seal. You can further confirm a fully sealed mouth lid by attempting to lift lid or tip the can upside down.

Test Dimple Vac110

If no dimple forms, this suggests you have a failed seal. Feel free to then repeat the process after confirming the mouth lid is on evenly over the mouth of the jar. Please do bear in mind that mouth lids can distort after a vacuum sealing in a Vac110 chamber vacuum sealer. If you suspect distortion, we suggest getting a new lid.

There you have it – yet another use the Vac110 can provide to make life a little simpler and more efficient in just a couple easy steps!

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vacuum seal mason jars - vac100

How to Vacuum Seal Mason Jars in a JVR Vac100

“Our all-around best chamber vacuum sealer can seal up to two half-gallon mason jars simultaneously!”

How To Vacuum Seal Mason Jars - Vac100 - Latest Video

Today, we go over “How to Vacuum Seal Mason Jars in the Vac100 – chamber vacuum sealer.” 

Today we will discuss how to vacuum seal Mason jars using the JVR Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer. In addition to providing endless possibilities such as vacuum sealing meat to avoid freezer burn, providing a delicious sous vide experience right from your own home, or sealing cut bags to store your dried fruit, the Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer it is also well equipped to vacuum seal Mason jars!

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Consistent adjustments have been made to the Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer to ensure top notch quality and to keep our product standing apart from vacuum sealers provided by our competitors. Our all-around best chamber vacuum sealer can seal up to two half-gallon mason jars simultaneously!

The following dives into explaining what can be vacuum sealed using this process as well as a detailed account of how to carry out this process simply from your own countertop.

While the vacuum sealing process using retort pouches offers a wide variety of options, the opportunity to seal Mason jars provides a new category to store more delicate foods for meal prep. These include dry, shelf-stable foods such as grains, dried fruits and baking products. This process is NOT meant to replace the common canning practice that seals non-shelf stable products such as salsas, liquids, and more.

Mason Jars Isolated - Vacuum Seal Mason Jars Vac110

Note: Keep in mind this process does not replace the standard sealing process using water baths.

Inside the chamber of the unit, you are able to fit 4 – 8 ounce (236ml) regular mouth Ball mason jars upright (as pictured). Sealing multiple mason jars at one time outpaces all external edge, suction vacuum sealers in the market today! Needing more space for those larger mason jars? No problem! Though this may not be a big vacuum sealer, there are other options like the external chamber or our JVR Vac110.

How To Program the Vac100
JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer
Vac100 Mason Jars

If you require space to seal 16 oz – 64 oz Mason jars, then we carry just the product for you! The Vac100 Chamber Accessory (3-gallon) seals 1-2 Mason jars up to 64 oz (½ gallon) simultaneously in addition to performing functions such as expedited brining, marinating, and more!

Vac100 Chamber Accessory

Inside the 3-gallon chamber accessory, you are able to fit 2 – 64 ounce (1/2 gallon) wide-mouth Ball mason jars upright. Additionally, you can fit up to 4 – 32 ounce (946 ml) regular mouth Ball mason jars upright in the external chamber accessory. Using the chamber accessory, our customers are able to vacuum seal the largest mason jar in any chamber vacuum sealer in this price range! Commercial capability is unlocked with this modern vacuum packaging unit. Click here to buy the chamber accessory today!

Vac100 Chamber Accessory
Vac100 and 3 Gallon Chamber Accessory
Vac100 Chamber Accessory

Overview of Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer Control Panel

Power: NOTE: This button only turns the display on and off, it does not disconnect the power supply. Always unplug the machine when disconnecting power is necessary.

Stop: immediately stops the cycle and vents the lid or exits after making a settings adjustment.

Settings: for changing program number or making adjustments to the vacuum, seal, and cool times.

Increase: Used for making setting adjustments.

Decrease: used for making setting adjustments and perform SKIP function when the machine is cycling.

Pump: Turns on the vacuum pump. Used for evacuating air from accessories.

Vac100 Control Board Buttons - Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Step 1: Check that the unit is plugged in.

Step 2: Check that the rocker switch on back of machine is switched to ON.

Step 3: Select Power on the main display.

Step 4: Select Settings. Select an option that is not already dedicated to a specific function (i.e. P3). The Vac100 is preset so that P0 and P1 are already dedicated (P0 for light vacuum sealing on chamber vacuum pouches; P1 for full vacuum sealing on chamber vacuum pouches).

Step 5: Select Settings. Set vacuum cycle time (use increase or decrease buttons). We recommend 50 sec in order to achieve 99% of air removed.

Step 6: Select Settings. Set sealing time to 0.0 sec.

Step 7: Select Settings. Set cooling cycle time to 0.0 sec.


The recess of the chamber inside the Vac100 is slightly uneven so some factors should be considered for effectiveness of the seal depending on how many jars are being sealed simultaneously.

Step 1: Set a mouth lid evenly and firmly over the mouth of the selected quantity of Mason jars.

Step 2: Screw the band lid on by ONE thread of each jar in order to keep the mouth lid in place. CAUTION: If the band is too tight, then this could cause a failure and even an implosion in some cases. Please do not overtighten the lid.

Step 3: Place jar/jars upright in the center of the chamber.

Vac100 Mason Jars Placement

Easy! Close lid of the chamber and the process will begin automatically. The hinging side of the lid engages with the cycle start switch which automatically engages the vacuum cycle.

Following sealing, a dimple should form on the top of the mouth lid. This shows the process has created an airtight seal. You can further confirm a fully sealed mouth lid by attempting to lift lid or tip the can upside down.

If no dimple forms, then repeat the process after confirming the mouth lid is on evenly over the mouth of the jar. Please bear in mind that the mouth of the mason jar does need to be free of dust and debris, If the lid has been used before, the lid is most likely distorted from any previous vacuum cycle and this is why we suggest replacing them.

There you have it – yet another use the Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer can provide to make life a little simpler and more efficient in just a couple easy steps!

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Vac110 Retort Bar Assembly

How To Set Up The Retort Bar Assembly: JVR Vac110

A very common question for us to receive is: “How do I set up my retort bar assembly for my Vac110?”

Today, we will answer that question simply!

Your Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer has the capability for many functions such as vacuum sealing chamber pouches and glass jars as it is automatically paired with the standard seal bar. However, with the addition of the retort bar assembly, those options are widely expanded. Imagine having the alternative to save space from using cans and jars for your poultry or pet food packaging and replacing them with airtight retort pouches that produce the same, if not better, results for storing your canned foods. In addition, instead of using a can opener to open the metal cans, you simply use the tear notch on the retort pouch and voila!

Vac110 Retort Bar Assembly

How does the retort pouch production differ from the chamber vacuum pouches that makes this retort pouch revolutionary? A retort canning pouch is a sterilizable flexible pouch constructed with a mix of various layers of thin metal foils and plastics. This retort pouch design allows it to withstand temperatures and pressures used during the food packaging process that can replace using the traditional industrial canning methods.

JVR Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer

The process for retort food canning removes all air from within the pouch following sterilization by heating to a temperature of about 250° for around 50 minutes. The retort bar then seals off the pouch once the sterilization and full air removal has taken place and your sealed pouch is now ready to store safely away!

The following information covers common uses of the retort bar, steps to install your retort bar, approaches to identifying the differences between the standard seal bar and the retort bar, seal and cooling times recommended for your mylar or retort pouches, and finally, methods to ensure proper seal integrity.

NOTE: The retort bar is not meant to seal chamber vacuum pouches!

The retort bar assembly is an 11.0″ bar with a heat strip size of 3.5mm. These features provide additional options for your food packaging process because it is capable of high pressure and heat used to seal heavy mil flexible retort pouches including mylar and retort pouches.

Common uses for the retort seal bar among our customers include sealing:

Retort canning pouches (e.g. for various types of food packaging such as raw materials or shelf stable goods)

Mylar pouches

Coffee bags

retort bar assembly

The installation process is easy and requires zero tools!

Step 1: Locate the standard seal bar within the chamber when you open the cover.

Step 2: Simply remove the Standard Seal Bar by lifting it out of the unit.

Seal Only Cycle - Seal Bar Assembly Diagram

Step 3: Replace with the retort bar by ensuring the bag clips are located on the operator side of the chamber and align the holes with the seal bar lift piston rods.

Three easy processes are used to identify the differences between the standard seal bar and the retort bar.

1. Heat Strip Size

The heat strip is the black metal strip that runs along the whole bar. The Standard Seal Bar is a flat, 6 mm strip while the retort bar is a concave shape, 3.5 mm strip that provides the pressure

This difference can be identified by simply sliding your finger across each heat strip. If the heat strip is flat, then it is a standard seal bar. If you feel a hill or ridge along the heat strip, then it will be a retort bar.

Identify Bar Assembly

2. Width of Bar

Look down the end of each bar. The retort bar appears narrower while the standard seal bar is wider (6 mm).

3. Label

The standard seal bar does NOT have a label. The retort bar always has a label located at the center of the bar labeled “RETORT”.

When considering using the retort bar in place of your standard seal bar for the retort packaging process, specific processing times are recommended depending on what retort pouches are used. We will review these specifics with the mylar pouches and retort canning pouches.

Note: Mylar retort pouches are not sold by JVR Industries, but are provided through Pleasant Grove Farms at The seal integrity of a mylar retort bag has been tested in-house and has been found to be exceptional. 

Recommended Seal and Cooling Times for Mylar Retort Pouches:

Seal Time: 2.4 sec.

Cooling time: 5.0 sec.

Recommended Seal and Cooling Times for a Retort Pouch:

Seal time: 2.8 sec.

Cooling time: 6.0 sec

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Four methods should be practiced during the sealing process to ensure exceptional seal integrity that will provide you with safe packaging for storage.

1. MOUTH FOLD – Fold over the pouch mouth leaving about 2-4 inches of clearance to avoid residue in the seal area from moist products.

2. PREVENT WRINKLES – Lay pouch flat across the retort bar assembly, checking that the mouth is inserted entirely in the bag clips. If sealing a low profile product, then place filler plates below to fill the void.

3. INSPECT WELD – Check that the entire mouth of the package shows a perfectly continuous crosshatch pattern. Small blemishes should not be a concern, though you can check the strength of the potentially compromised area using the resistance test.

4. RESISTANCE TEST – Tug at the mouth of the pouch to check for complete adhesion following sealing. A solid weld/seal has taken place if you are unable to rip apart the seal.

Vac100/Vac110/Vac310 Seal Bar Assembly

As a reminder, JVR Industries does not proclaim expertise in the retort process because we are purely a chamber vacuum sealer packaging company. We have, however, tested the process with both mylar and retort pouches in-house and have been successful. Many of our experienced customers will readily recommend the addition of a retort bar because it expands the possibilities for your business or hobbies!

Click here to order the Vac110 retort bar assembly! 

Questions? Watch the video attached below for further visual instruction. Or, contact our highly knowledgeable and personable service department who would be glad to answer any of your questions!

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Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

“…Vac110 is a powerhouse machine, while the Vac310s boast extreme production output.”

Today, we are going to cover a hot topic: “What chamber vacuum machine is better for my packaging needs? The JVR Vac110 or Vac310?”

Today in the Vac110 and Vac310 comparison, we will cover every little specification and subtle difference between the two vacuum packaging units to ensure you are selecting the right unit for your scenario. To determine the best vacuum sealer that fits your needs, review some important differences and similarities between these units below.

Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Unlike most vacuum sealers, the JVR Vac110 and Vac310s stand apart from the competition. They may be tabletop units, but they certainly deliver speed, durability, and efficiency. The Vac110 is a powerhouse machine, while the Vac310s boast extreme production output. While both chamber vacuum sealers are capable of vacuum sealing a variety of food items, they deliver different benefits to users.


The Vac110 is considered a powerhouse chamber vacuum machine because the vacuum pump has a flow rate of eight cubic meters per hour. A third of horsepower makes this unit quick and powerful. To put these figures into perspective, it takes just under 30 seconds for 99% of the air in the chamber to be evacuated. If efficiency and speed are most important to you, this unit will certainly deliver and make vacuum-sealing bags a breeze. This vacuum sealer is perfect for home use while still promoting high-frequency packaging.


The Vac310 (1 Bar) and Vac 310 (2 Bar) vacuum sealers have a vacuum pump flow rate of 20 cubic meters per hour, in addition to 1.25  horsepower. These extremely powerful units can evacuate 99% of the air in the chamber in under 20 seconds. If high product output is essential to you, the Vac310s will most definitely deliver.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer, chamber vacuum sealers

The Vac110 weighs 77 pounds, and the Vac310 (1 Bar) and Vac310 (2 Bar) each weigh 145 pounds. All three chamber vacuum sealers cannot be easily moved or transported at such a heavy weight. However, the great news is, we sell a stainless-steel cart that can hold the Vac110 making transportability a breeze. The bottom shelf of the cart can be used to store replacement parts and is a great place for vacuum bag storage. However, the Vac310s would certainly require more than one person to move or transport.


JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer / Vac110 Frequently Asked Questions | JVR Industries

Outside Dimensions

14.7” W x 19.8” D x 16” H (lid closed)

Max lid height when open is 25.5”


JVR Vac310 (2 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Outside Dimensions

19.7” W x 21.5” D x 20” H (lid closed)

Max lid height when open is 30.3”

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Chamber Dimensions

11.3” W x 15.2” D x 5.2” H

Max pouch size 11” x 16”

11″ seal bar

JVR Vac310 (1 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Chamber Dimensions

16.3” W x 16.5” D x 7” H

Max pouch size (1 Bar) 16” x 20”

Max pouch size (2 Bar) 16”x 16” 

16″ seal bar(s)

Heat Strip Width


Heat Strip Width


JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Retort capable refers to the ability of a seal bar assembly to seal up to 7mil mylar bags or retort pouches.

JVR Vac110 Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac110: Retort capable when using the retort bar assembly. Specifically designed with a concaved v-type seal wire to concentrate more heat toward the seal. 

Please note: JVR Industries does not advise sealing retort and mylar pouches with the standard seal bar assembly of the Vac110. Doing so will deplete the heat strip and seal bar tape at a much more rapid pace. 

JVR Vac310 (1 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac310 (1 Bar): Retort capable with the standard seal bar assembly on the unit


Vac310 (2 Bar): NOT RETORT CAPABLE. Why not? The Vac310 (2 Bar) has the same power output as the Vac310 (1 Bar) however, the power is being split between two bars instead of one.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer
JVR Vac310 (2 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

The Vac110 has a hinging body mechanism so you can easily access the internal components of the machine. The Vac310s have a removable back panel to access important machine components. Therefore, both machines are self-serviceable. But the Vac110 has easier access.  

Vac110 Transparent Acrylic Lid - Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Acrylic Lid

All three units have an industry-standard dome-shaped transparent acrylic lid.

Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison


The tactile control panel with pressable buttons makes for a simple sealing process.

Vac110 Disconnect Switch - 110-70 - Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Power Switch

You can find a simple disconnect switch on the side of all three units to quickly turn the power on and off.

All three units have durable stainless-steel bodies and reinforced stainless-steel chambers. The body construction on both units also makes them easy to clean. The Vac110 and Vac310s run on 110-volt power. Looking for a chamber vacuum sealer that provides a tight seal, and eliminates freezer burn? Any one of these chamber vacuum sealers will exceed your expectations.

Looking to buy vacuum seal bags? Our variety of VacPouch bags are compatible with both the JVR Vac110 and Vac310 vacuum sealers! Click here to learn more about what types of VacSupplies we carry.

Increase the Life Span of Food and Product

Chamber vacuum pouches that are durable and strong are now available to be used at home. These industrial strength bags will help keep your vacuum-sealed food fresh longer than traditional packaging, making it an extremely cost-effective alternative to embossed vacuum sealer style bags. Prevent freezer burn and achieve an airtight seal with our chamber vacuum pouches. Great to use for meal planning, and storing your deer meat, fish, or soups. Simply place your product into a vacuum sealer bag to prevent food waste.

Tons of Applications

Sealing any solid or liquid product with a vacuum sealer machine, these bags were created to freeze and refrigerate! Preserve food and increase shelf life to decrease food waste. Additionally, these pouches can withstand being boiled for up to 20 minutes, allowing you to place them directly in boiling water. The heat resistance of the bag makes it great for sous vide cooking as well as for storage applications.

More than just a good vacuum sealer, the Vac110, Vac310 (1 Bar), and Vac310 (2 Bar) are powerful, long-lasting, and efficient vacuum sealers that will exceed your expectations.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac110: $999

JVR Vac310 (1 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac310 (1 Bar): $1,690

JVR Vac310 (2 Bar) - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac310 (2 Bar): $1,890

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Vac100 Vs Vac110 Comparison

Vac100 vs Vac110 Comparison

“The Vac100 is a convenience-featured vacuum sealer, while the Vac110 is the powerhouse of the two.”

A very common question for us to receive is: Which chamber vacuum sealer is best for my packaging needs? The JVR Vac100 or Vac110?”

Today, we will answer that question!

To determine the best vacuum sealer that fits your needs, look at some important similarities and differences between these units.

Vac100 Vs Vac110 Comparison

The Vac100 is a convenience-featured vacuum sealer, while the Vac110 is the powerhouse of the two. While both chamber vacuum sealers are capable of vacuum sealing a variety of food items, they deliver different benefits to users.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | what is a chamber vacuum sealer
Vac100 Chamber Accessory


In terms of convenience, the Vac100 is accessory capable, meaning it can have external functions outside of the chamber. You’ll notice the vacuum port inside the back corner of the chamber (also referred to as the accessory port).

A hose from the accessory port can be connected to external features like the three-gallon chamber, the three-piece canister set, the wine stopper, and VacLok canisters. All these external features in addition to the internal capabilities of sealing in-chamber.  

Vac100 Mason Jars
JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | what is a chamber vacuum sealer
JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer / Vac110 Frequently Asked Questions | JVR Industries


The Vac110 chamber vacuum sealer is considered a powerhouse machine because the pump of the unit has double the flow rate of the Vac100, eight cubic meters per hour. A third of horsepower makes this unit quicker, and incredibly powerful. If efficiency and speed are most important to you, this unit will certainly deliver and make vacuum-sealing bags a breeze. This vacuum sealer is perfect for home use while still promoting high-frequency packaging.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Unlike most vacuum sealers, there are ten available programs to set on the Vac100 chamber sealer, in addition to a preset cleanup program.

Cleanup Program

If you seal liquids, products with high moisture content, or operate the machine in a high-humidity environment, water can enter through the vacuum port and mix with the oil in the vacuum pump. At this point, running the cleanup program helps bring the pump to a high temperature, thus expelling moisture out of the pump. 


The remaining programs can be set to specific vacuum, seal, and cool times. That means you can have presets for each different product you’re sealing. P0 can be set to seal tomahawks in 5 mil VacPouch, and P1 can be set to seal soups in your 3 mil chamber vacuum pouches. These programs help you get product vacuum sealed at a much more efficient pace.

Skip Function

The skip button on the control panel serves a few important purposes. For instance, if you’re vacuum sealing soups, and during the vacuum time you notice the product begins boiling in the chamber pouches, simply press the skip function to move to sealing time. This can help prevent boilovers and messes in the chamber of the unit.

Additionally, the skip function is essential when trying to hone in on the vacuum time of different products. For example, if you’re unsure what to set the vacuum time at for a product, simply set the vacuum time as high as you want and run a cycle. When you see that all the air has evacuated, take note of the time it took to reach that point, then hit the skip button to move on to the seal and cool cycles. Now you know how to set the vacuum time for the next cycle, making the sealing process even more efficient.

Vac100 Seal Soup

The Vac100 weighs 52 pounds, while the Vac110 weighs 77 pounds. With that being said, the Vac100 does have transport handles on the sides, making it easy to move the machine. We do sell a stainless-steel cart that can hold either the Vac100 or Vac110, making transportability even easier. The bottom shelf of the cart can be used to store replacement parts and is a great place for vacuum bag storage. Click here to learn more.  

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer
JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer, chamber vacuum sealers


JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer- Lid Down

Outside Dimensions

16.2” W x 19.3” D x 8.3” H (lid closed)

Max lid height when open is 23.0”

Overall more fit for countertops.


JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer / Vac110 Frequently Asked Questions | JVR Industries

Outside Dimensions

14.7” W x 19.8” D x 16” H (lid closed)

Max lid height when open is 25.5”

Chamber Dimensions

13.8” W x 12” D x 4.3” H

Max pouch size 12” x 14”

12.3” seal bar

Although the chamber is low profile, you can still fit a 5.5-pound whole chicken inside the chamber.

Chamber Dimensions

11.3” W x 15.2” D x 5.2” H

Max pouch size 11” x 16”

11” seal bar

Chamber Construction


(Instead of a domed lid, we reverse-engineered it where the dome shows up in the base of the chamber. Designed to fit under most cupboards.)

Chamber Construction

Stainless Steel

(an industry standard, adding weight to the unit)

Heat Strip Width


(industry standard)

Heat Strip Width


(exceeds industry standard)

Vac100 Control Board Buttons - Vac110 and Vac310 Comparison

Vac100: The light-sensitive control panel responds when you lay your finger flat over any button, blocking out the light.

Vac110 Contrl Buttons - Vacuum Seal Mason Jars Vac110

Vac110: The tactile control panel has pressable buttons for stop, settings, increase, and decrease.

Vac100 Shatterproof Glass Lid

Vac100: Shatterproof tempered glass lid

Vac110 Transparent Acrylic Lid

Vac110: Industry standard dome-shaped transparent acrylic lid

How To Program the Vac100

Vac100: Located around the perimeter of the chamber

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Vac110: Located on the perimeter of the transparent acrylic lid

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

The Vac100 and Vac110 both are easy to self-service with hinging body mechanisms. This feature allows for ease of access and replacement of each individual component. Backed with unmatched customer service and free technical support of 50+ years experience. Making both these units very unique in their time.

Both chamber vacuum sealers are retort capable and have a stainless-steel body that’s extremely durable. The body construction on both units also makes them easy to clean. Looking for a chamber vacuum sealer that provides a tight seal, and eliminates both food waste and freezer burn? Either one of these chamber vacuum sealers will exceed your expectations.

Looking to buy vacuum pouches? Our variety of VacPouch bags are compatible with both the JVR Vac100 and Vac110 vacuum sealers! Click here to learn more about what types of VacSupplies we carry.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer- Lid Down

Shop the Vac100 – Chamber Vacuum Sealer: $899

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer / Vac110 Frequently Asked Questions | JVR Industries

Shop the Vac110 – Chamber Vacuum Sealer: $999

Looking for commercial chamber vacuum sealers? JVR Industries sells a variety of commercial packaging equipment. Check out the JVR Vac310, Vac410, and Vac610 in our very own line of units, the JVR VacSeries!

We also sell a variety of vacuum packaging equipment and processing equipment. Learn more here.

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Vac100 Replace Lid Chamber Gasket

How to Replace the Lid Chamber Gasket – Vac100

“How do I replace the lid chamber gasket on my Vac100?”

A simple, yet tedious task to stop those pesky vacuum leaks around the chamber on your vacuum sealer. In this article, we review easy, yet effective ways to install your lid chamber gasket without unnecessary frustration.

Vac100 Replace Lid Chamber Gasket

The lid gasket slowly degrades over time due to the draw of the vacuum and continuous time under pressure. You may visually notice shredding and deformation of the gasket causing small vacuum leaks. Shredding does not mean you have a leak. It merely means you could potentially have a leak. Eventually, you’ll notice your pouches do not have all the air removed even though your operations/programs have not changed. This is a good sign that your unit has a leak and could potentially mean it’s time to install a new gasket.

However, keep in mind that this is only one variable that could be leading to a vacuum leak. Seal bar lift pistons could be leaking as well as any hose underneath the chamber. So, if you know that the leak is most likely happening by way of the gasket, then let’s move on to the next part! (If you do not know how to isolate the leak’s origin, please do not hesitate to call our offices for further guidance.)

The first step in this process is simply to remove the old lid chamber gasket from your chamber vacuum sealer. Start pulling on it from one corner, and the entire thing will pull right out. Please note that your gasket’s ends may or may not have been glued together. (If you have a seamless lid chamber gasket, please disregard notes on glue.) This is not important. What matters is during reinstallation, the ends of the gasket fit snugly together. 

Vac100 Lid Chamber Gasket

Lid chamber gasket pictured above is the old-style gasket. Newer gaskets are seamless.

Before installing the gasket, take a moment to look at the end of the gasket. The shape looks like the number 6. The top of the 6, referred to as the tail, is going to be facing outward, away from the chamber. The base of the 6 should fit snugly into the channel. (This is only applicable to the non-seamless lid chamber gasket)

First, find a center point in the back edge of the channel. Take one end of the gasket and lay the flat bottom on the channel. Only compress about one inch of the gasket snugly into the channel.  

Replacing a Lid Chamber Gasket

Installing the Corners

Next, compress each corner of the gasket into the channel starting with the corner closest to where you inserted the first end. It’s important to pay attention to small details during this process. Ensure that the gasket is not overstretched. Doing so may cause it to lay too thin in the channel, therefore not fully engaging against the lid during a cycle.  

Pull the gasket just taut enough to reach the first corner and then compress it into the corner channel. Then, bring the gasket down to the second corner nice and taut, but not overstretching. Push the base into the channel at that corner.

Continue the same process of bringing the gasket to the third and fourth corners and compressing the gasket only at the corners. Please note, at this point, the long edges of the gasket should not be compressed into the channel, only the corners. 

Trimming the Gasket

Once the last corner is compressed, you’ll notice that your lid chamber gasket is a little too long. Take scissors to cut the excess, but give yourself an extra 1/32 or 1/64 of an inch beyond what you think you will need. After the gasket has been cut to size, take the end, pull it nice and taut, and compress one inch from the end into the chamber. Make sure the two ends of the gasket are pressed together creating a tight seal.  

Completing Installation

Now, return to the sides of the gasket where there is slack. First, compress the center of the gasket into the channel on all four sides. (SEE BLACK CIRCLES IN THE IMAGE) Next, put compression points in between each corner point and the center compression points creating eight more compression points. (SEE RED ARROWS IN THE IMAGE)

Replacing a Lid Chamber Gasket

Now, you need to create four more compression points on each side of the gasket between the previously created compressions. (SEE BLACK ARROWS IN THE IMAGE)

Lastly, slowly work across the entirety of the lid chamber gasket and compress the remaining gasket into the channel. Run your thumb along each edge and ensure you’ve gotten rid of all the hills and valleys.

Replacing a Lid Chamber Gasket

Before running a cycle to review and inspect the seal, go around the perimeter of the gasket to search for wavering sections. Next, power on your Vac100 and simply close your lid. Once the lid compresses against the chamber gasket, visually inspect the gasket. Look for inconsistencies such as wavers, dips, and twists. The gasket should lay parallel to the channel’s path. After the cycle is completed and reviews are made, go ahead and make your adjustments. 

To make adjustments in problem areas, roll that section of the gasket in the channel so that it’s even and consistent with the rest.  

After adjustments are made, close the lid again and inspect the gasket. A sign that your gasket is installed correctly is when the entirety of the gasket is even and parallel in the channel. Once you see a perfectly tight seal, you’re all set. 

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vacuum sealing liquids

5 Steps – Vacuum Sealing Liquids

vacuum sealing liquids

5 steps to vacuum seal liquids in chamber vacuum sealers

Today we discuss the basic principles or steps of how to vacuum seal liquids in a chamber vacuum sealer! Here are 5 steps to vacuum seal liquids in a chamber vacuum sealer: Pre-chill product, clean the mouth of the pouch, gravity-feed product in the pouch, increase headspace in the bag, and use a SKIP function, if present on the unit. These 5 steps help promote seal integrity, maximize vacuum draw, demote the opportunity for freezer burn, and prevent liquids from boiling over!

Vacuum Packed Food in Fridge

Lower temperatures maximize vacuum draw! Pre-chill your homemade soup, marinades, and more beforehand to maximize your vacuum draw. Decreasing temperature increases the vacuum draw you can pull before reaching boiling point.

Once a rapid boil takes place, you have officially hit the maximum vacuum draw potential for that specific pouch. You could pull for an additional 10 minutes after the rapid boil commences and all you will achieve is a mess, a bad seal, and no more vacuum draw than when the boil began.

If you were to toss a hot liquid in a chamber pouch to vacuum seal it, you would notice the liquid boiling much quicker than a chilled one! Maximize your shelf life by pre-chilling your liquids ahead of time!

VacPouch Soup Clean Mouth Papertowel

Just an ounce of liquid on the sealing area of the pouch can result in poor seal integrity. Place paper towels on the mouth of the pouch and wipe away any extra fish sauces, meat marinades, or general soups that may have been left over. Keeping the mouth clear of liquid or debris will help optimize seal integrity and reduce frustration. Vacuum seal correctly with a debris-free mouth.

Vac100 Angled Soup

Once a product begins rapid boiling it will continue to climb out of the pouch and into your vacuum sealer! Step #3 is more of a preventative measure to ensure a mess-free operation and promote optimum seal integrity. Stop the mess and bad seals by angling your pouch at a 10°-20° angle so that your liquid is gravity-feeding to the base of the vacuum bag or chamber pouch. Take this extra step to keep that liquid away from the seal area of the bag. Liquid on the mouth of the pouch will cause seal failure.

Vac100 boil over
Vac100 - Rapid Boil Soup

Leave about 2-3″ of space at the bag mouth to help prevent boilover! Increasing the distance from the edge of the liquid to the mouth of the pouch gives you more time to respond. Selecting a larger size pouch will increase the gap between the liquid and the mouth of the pouch. The more significant the gap, the better! Create a nice tight seal with just a little extra space. This method is just another way to make vacuum sealing more of an enjoyable process instead of a miserable one.

Vacuum Sealing Liquids - Vac100
Vac100 skip function display board

Some vacuum sealers and some chamber vacuum sealers do not have the functionality to exit the vacuum cycle and enter the seal cycle. Many units force the user to exit out of any and all cycles involved in the process. This means stopping the entire unit, adjusting the vacuum cycle time, and restarting. For most users, this is not a big issue because many of us are sealing the same temperature and volume of soup over and over. For others, this will be problematic because the user is constantly changing the types of homemade soups, temperatures, volume, and viscosity.

Vacuum sealing meat is a concern that many of our customers have because of the rapid boiling that takes place in the juices. The smaller the quantity of liquid, the more minimized the impact of vaporization from the boil. Some meats have a higher moisture content. We suggest not pouring all the liquids in with the meat to minimize the impact of vaporization. The less liquid you have, the less of a concern of the impact on vacuum draw. Also after sealing many high moisture content products, we suggest making certain you get your oil pump nice and hot to expel any unwanted moisture from the pump.

Can I use a mason jar to vacuum seal liquids?

Yes! You can use a mason jars to seal up liquids if you prefer this method. Vacuum sealing liquids in a mason jar does not have any other benefit when compared to a chamber sealer pouch. Chamber pouches on the other hand do. Boil water, place soup in pouch in the pot of water, pull out after 5 minutes, and enjoy your lunch or dinner without making a mess!

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer
Vac100 Seal Soup
Vac100 Seal Soup

What type of vacuum sealer is most appropriate for the job of vacuum sealing liquid rich foods?

Selecting the proper sealer whether it be a low-level vacuum sealer or industrial-grade chamber vacuum sealer is everything when sealing liquid rich foods properly. Let’s discuss the factors that can majorly impact your final seal when dealing with wayward liquid.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Dry piston vacuum pump vs oil pumps: One of the biggest factors behind longevity

Most typical low-end external models such as edge or suction vacuum sealers host what is called a dry piston pump. An external vacuum sealer might not be the best selection for liquid food. What about a chamber vacuum sealer? Some lower-end chamber sealers will even have this type of pump at the heart of the unit. So if you are considering entire liquid food items, you may want to read on!

Dry piston pumps are more than fine if you are sealing only dry food only. Once a dry pump, alternatively known as a “maintenance-free pump,” starts vacuuming any type of moisture-content products, the pump will slowly internally corrode eventually leading to an unusable pump. The downfall of a “maintenance-free” pump in this situation is that it lives up to its name: maintenance-free.

Oil-lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps on the other hand are able to expel moisture content preventing internal corrosion with proper care. Oil pumps, once they are hot, will separate the water and oil. The liquid in the pump will then vaporize and exit out of the exhaust, but continue to circulate the oil. Selecting the proper vacuum sealer with the best vacuum pump means a better life span, higher vacuum draw faster, and more! Learn more here on the differences between dry pumps and oil pumps.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | best chamber vacuum sealer for home use

What is the best vacuum sealer for liquids? Why a chamber sealer is best suited to vacuum seal liquids

Find a chamber vacuum sealer that checks all the boxes! Everyone is looking for an all-around, good chamber vacuum sealer with good customer service.

The JVR Vac100 chamber vacuum sealer is one of the best industrial-grade vacuum sealers for vacuum sealing liquids, general vacuum sealing, sealing retort pouches, mylar bags, sesal the largest and highest quantity of mason jar simultaneously, and so much more! Seal and freeze liquids without any opportunity for freezer burn! Vacuum seal food, use your external vacuum accessories from Foodsaver with our unit and so much more.

Learn more about what makes the JVR Vac100 one of the best chamber vacuum sealers in the market today! Click to read more.

About JVR Industries

Any further questions?

Please feel free to call JVR Industries to discuss the subject further. We have specialized in vacuum packaging for over 50 years! Vacuum sealing food, vacuum sealing meat, vacuum bags, external vacuum sealers, how to create a seal, fragile foods under vacuum, and other topics are something we would gladly discuss!

JVR Industries is available Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm EST for any further questions or technical support. You can reach us at (716)206-2500.

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