rollstock film buyer's guide

Rollstock Film: Buyer’s Guide

“being aware of the available rollstock film options will make the road to finding suitable supplies easier”

No one wants to end up with roll stock film that does not meet your specific requirements causing you to waste money and time. Today, we will explore how to choose the right roll stock film by providing an overview of film types, materials used in manufacturing for optimal shelf life, and how to apply the available film size specification to your rollstock machine and packaging priorities.

rollstock film buyer's guide

Purchasing roll stock film can be stressful as this line of food packaging is generally more expensive due to the function of the fully automatic machinery to produce packages at a large quantity. Contrary to the process of choosing the right bags for chamber vacuum seal machines, you are purchasing entire rolls that are much more expensive. Therefore, being aware of the available rollstock film options will make the road to finding suitable supplies easier and allow you to apply them to the specifications of your individual packaging experiences. Furthermore, become educated on the product materials so you can judge for yourself what best fits the quality you demand!

Forming Films (VacForm) 

Forming film is located at the infeed end of your rollstock machine. According to its name, forming film goes through the process of re-shaping into pockets for the food to be placed using heat and air compression. Forming films are occasionally called flexible packaging films, but are not synonymous.

VacForm Graphic

Non-Forming Films (VacSeal) 

Non-forming films do not go through a re-shaping process but are applied and vacuum sealed as the top layer at the sealing station of the rollstock machine, maintaining a consistent thickness.

VacSeal Film Graphics / VacSeal (non-forming films)

Easy-To-Peel Film (VacPeel) 

Easy-to-peel films are an alternative to non-forming films. They are manufactured to be easily peeled from the bottom forming-film layer. A peeling layer divider set is required to accomplish this. So when the seal plate lowers, it seals across the corner. Now the packaging is suited to open easily!

VacPeel Graphic Film

Custom Printed Rollstock Films

Looking to upgrade your roll stock film packaging appearance? JVR Industries has just the solution as we provide custom printing services with superior print quality. Get a partial or full image printed perfectly every time over the high-gloss VacSeal or VacPeel films. Options include but are not limited to, full-color CMYK, spot coloring PMS, and registered or random repeat custom prints (learn the difference here). Additionally, our in-house prepress technician is a graphic designer who can create a personal design or recreate a label you need a file for!

We are proud to claim every confidence in providing top-quality rollstock film packaging materials with the appropriate variety of options. Why? We have been specializing in vacuum packaging since 1972. With over 52 years of ever-growing knowledge and experience, our packaging products have been constructed and refined, producing form fill seal supplies that are customized based on the request of our customers.

Our rollstock films are manufactured with the perfect 9-layer, co-extruded composition to meet all your food packaging priorities. Co-extrusion is a process where multiple layers are pressed together into one to create a laminar structure to produce all of the features necessary for superior puncture resistance and barrier properties to maximize shelf life.

Key characteristics to optimize your packaging experience are as follows:

Superior oxygen and moisture barriers

Excellent sealing properties

Fewer blowouts with our proprietary formula

Film remains flexible even during deep-freeze temperatures due to the “Soft Feel” property

VacForm (forming films)
VacSeal (non-forming films)

EVOH (ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer) is found in all our high barrier films and will work with most any packaging application. If shelf life is not of great concern or if all your products are being sold frozen then you may want to consider a medium barrier film. These films are considerably less expensive because they do not contain the costly EVOH layer.

Forming Films: Typically constructed of Polypropylene, EVOH (high barrier), and polyethylene

Non-Forming Films: Typically constructed of Nylon, EVOH (high barrier), and polyethylene

Custom Printed Film: Typically constructed of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and polyethylene


Is Rollstock Film Sous Vide Safe?

All thermoforming films provided by JVR Industries comply with FDA guidelines, and they contain no BPA or PFAS chemicals. They are constructed of materials that are deemed safe for sous vide cooking applications, similar to our vacuum pouches (VacPouch). No need to worry about harmful plastics entering the food! 

Forming Film PRS Mini Steaks - Rollstock Thermoforming Packaging Film

At the initial purchase of your rollstock machine, your manufacturer should provide a film spec that describes the film sizes and tolerances appropriate for your machine. The roll web and diameter are the essential dimensions for selecting the film size. The film spec displays the web specified to match the web width of your machine with a range of +/- 1 or 2 mm.

Chances are, you have already determined the correct film size for your  rollstock packaging machine. Whatever the film specifications are for your machine, JVR Industries provides standard and custom web widths to fit your requirements. However, as a general rule, we highly recommend you request a test roll to ensure compatibility if you plan to transition to any new film supplier.

Forming Films

We carry 4-9 mil forming film as JVR Industries focuses more on flexible packaging applications. However, JVR can also supply customers with semi-rigid and rigid film structures. When choosing the thickness that fits your needs consider the following factors:

VacForm (forming films) - Rollstock Thermoforming Film - Flexible Packaging

1) Forming film thins as it forms into pockets. The deeper the forming inserts, the higher the thickness of the film to ensure package integrity.

2) If you package bone-in meat or frozen food, then a thicker film will provide higher puncture resistance. Alternatively, consider our VacGuard (boneguard materials) in conjunction with thinner gauge films to reach maximum puncture resistance cost-effectively.

3) If the quality of your food packaging appearance is a priority, a thicker film helps provide that premium look and feel!

VacSeal (non-forming films)

Non-Forming And Easy-To-Peel Films

Non-forming film is available at JVR Industries and we stock a variety of widths in 3 mil gauge. Since this film type does not go through a forming process, a thickness of 3 mil will suffice for most applications. 4 or 5 mil may be appropriate for higher puncture resistance or to provide a high-quality appearance.

Feel free to email us anytime or call us during our business hours with any questions that may arise! We look forward to helping you in any way we can that will make the vacuum packaging journey easier!

chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide - unmatched customer service

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Suction Vacuum Sealer vs Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Suction Vacuum Sealer vs Chamber Vacuum Sealer

“a slight difference in a vacuum sealer can alter the outcomes of your endeavors…”

If you are in search of a vacuum sealer, you are likely looking for the perfect one that ensures your packaging needs are met. The simple fact is that a slight difference in a vacuum sealer can alter the outcomes of your endeavors just as certain jars or containers function more appropriately for storing different foods. Awareness of these differences is vital. Today, we will provide an educated explanation of the difference between a suction and chamber vacuum sealer machine regarding function, affordability, durability and vacuum draw based on pump type, and more!

Suction Vacuum Sealer vs Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Suction Vacuum Sealer

Suction vacuum sealers are commonly referred to as suction, edge, or external vacuum sealers. The names comply when considering the sealing process. To vacuum seal use an edge vacuum sealer, place the item in the bag then enclose the open end of the bag on the seal bar. It then sucks the air from the open end of the bag and seals the bag closed. In some cases, customers will use a roll form of this product. In these situations, the user needs to seal one end, then insert the product, and then seal.

Vacuum Sealer (CLOSED)

Chamber Vacuum Sealer

To vacuum seal using a chamber vacuum sealer, slide the open side of the pouch into the pouch clips in the chamber, close the lid, and all three cycles will transpire automatically.

Now, when a vacuum is applied to a liquid, it will experience a cold rapid boil. What is a cold rapid boil? Let’s start by defining boiling. Boiling is the transition state of liquid turning to gas when it reaches the same atmospheric pressure being exerted on the liquid (1). As atmospheric pressure drops, the boiling point decreases accordingly.

For example, at sea level, with an atmospheric pressure is 29.92 Hg the boiling point is 212 °F. At an elevation of 2000 ft, the atmospheric pressure is about 27.82 Hg, decreasing the boiling point to 208 °F. Imagine what the boiling point reaches if the pressure nears 0 Hg as occurs using an oil pump!

When the rapid boil begins, this is your sign that maximum draw has occurred. Use the skip function to bypass the remainder of the cycle time as the liquid may climb out of the pouch if the rapid boil continues. Set one of the programs to those observed cycle times for your next pouch and you’re all set to save time and limit waste!

For more details on vacuum sealing liquids, click here.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Suction Vacuum Sealer

Due to its external vacuum process, a pressure imbalance is produced between the outside and inside of the bag. This can cause a siphoning effect when sealing foods containing liquids. So for items such as sauces or marinading meat, the pressure imbalance may pull those liquids towards the machine causing the liquids to either enter the machine or create a faulty seal allowing air back into the bag which defeats the purpose of the vacuum.

Consequently, external vacuum sealers can vacuum seal any dry, solid, or frozen food, but not liquids.

Some companies may suggest freezing the liquid before vacuum sealing, yet this prolongs the food storage process.

Vacuum Sealer (OPENED)

Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Alternatively, due to the enclosed chamber of the chamber vacuum sealer, the pressure is equally distributed between the outside and inside of the bag within the chamber promoting the liquids to stay in place inside the pouch.

Therefore, the chamber vacuum sealer machine can seal liquids with complete assurance as the siphoning effect does not apply!

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer, chamber vacuum sealers

Taking into account durability, vacuum draw, and noise pollution, a chamber vacuum sealer machine with an oil pump takes the gold!

It is important to consider that not all chamber vacuum sealers contain oil-lubricated pumps. Therefore, if you want these benefits, confirm the vacuum sealing machine holds an oil-lubricated pump.

Vacuum Sealer
Oil vs Dry Pump - Timeline

Click image to enlarge

The Benefits of an Oil-Lubricated Pump Explained

1) Increased Durability

The durability of an oil pump is unmatched due to its ability to expel moisture. The heat created when in operation allows for any moisture to separate from the oil. Moisture bypasses the filter and is vaporized out of the machine while the oil returns to the pump for reuse.

How does this prolong the life of the pump? Moisture would corrode the materials within the pump. Since the oil pump dispels the moisture from the machine, this demotes the chance of internal corrosion. With this feature, the pump can service you for over 10 years with proper maintenance!

Additionally, the transfer of heat energy allows these vacuum sealers to run without needing a break due to overheating. In contrast, an external vacuum sealer machine will need time to cool as the heat is consistently building up without being transferred as another energy source.

JVR Vac110 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

2) Increased Quality

Vacuum packaging is well-known for its effectiveness because the less contact with oxygen the product has, the longer it can go without spoiling. Oil-lubricated chamber vacuum sealers pull the most air by up to 19.8% more than dry piston pumps found in suction vacuum sealers allowing for the least contact with oxygen or moisture in the air!

How do oil pumps outshine dry piston pumps this drastically? The vanes within the oil pumps are designed to spin in a cyclical motion that barely slides by the pump’s housing by thousandths of an inch. The proximity of the rotary vanes to the housing creates a strong suction allowing for great vacuum power.

The vacuum produced by this mechanism greatly surpasses the 80% removed by dry piston pumps in edge sealers by up to 19.8% – you do the math! Talk about no freezer burn, longer shelf life, and even more flavorful sous vide cooking!

Recall that not all chamber vacuum sealers contain oil pumps. Dry piston chamber vacuum sealers can remove around 90% of air which is still a stretch from reaching the astounding minimum of 99% drawn using a chamber vacuum sealer geared with an oil pump!

3) Decreased Noise Pollution

No one would like to risk their sense of hearing due to prolonged use of their vacuum sealers. Oil pumps create 20-30 dB less noise than any other dry piston pump vacuum sealers. Specifically, the 85-95 dB of noise created by dry piston pumps is compared to the volume of a vacuum cleaner which is only a few dB short of the level considered to cause hearing loss after sustained exposure. Conversely, our JVR Vac100 is as quiet as 65 dB when in operation which is compared to having an average conversation!

To read more about the benefits of an oil pump, feel free to read our article here.

The price of external vacuum sealers may only be a couple hundred at the initial purchase. Yet, limited pump durability eventually requires multiple purchases over time easily making these far more expensive in the long term.

In addition, external vacuum sealers such as Food Savers require the use of embossed bags called vacuum sealer bags. These are more expensive than the chamber vacuum pouches only compatible with chamber vacuum sealers.

If interested in learning more about the differences between chamber vacuum pouches and vacuum sealer bags, click here.

Average Savings Per Pouch Compared to Edge, Suction, or External Vacuum

Suction Vacuum Sealer


1. Conveniently sized for your home kitchen counter and lightweight for portability.

2. No limit to the length of bags, only in width according to the seal bar length.


1. Can not vacuum seal liquids with certainty due to siphoning effect.

2. Durability ranges from 1 month to 10 years.

3. Volume at 85-95 dB.

4. Only 80% of air is pulled using edge vacuum sealers.

5. Only compatible with higher-price vacuum sealer bags.

Vacuum Sealer - Dry Pumps are Loud

Chamber Vacuum Sealer


1. Can vacuum seal liquids and even Mason jars.

2. Lasts 10 to 30 years.

3. Volume as low as 65 dB.

4. Up to 99.8% of air pulled.

5. Compatible with less expensive chamber vacuum pouches.


1. Larger than Foodsaver type vacuum sealers.

2. Limited in width and length of bag size due to chamber features.

Seal up to 2 half gallon mason jars simultaneously.
History and Service of JVR - Latest Video

Contact us to speak with an experienced vacuum packaging specialist about what vacuum sealer is right for you!
Want to learn more about the history and service of JVR Industries? Click here to learn more!

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360 West Magazine - Vac100

JVR Vac100 in the 360 West Magazine

JVR Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer now holds a place in the 360 West Magazine

Our ever-growing in status JVR Vac100 Chamber Vacuum Sealer now holds a place in the 360 West Magazine! Michael Hiller wrote an article on the conveniency of owning a Vac100 based on experience as he owns one himself! The article is appropriately titled “JVR Vac100 countertop vacuum sealer”. 

We are honored as Michael Miller has a successful career as a writer and editor. Miller’s experience in the journalism profession as well as personally owning the JVR Vac100 allows assurance of presenting an accurate and thorough review of the unit portraying a personal application of how it expands your opportunities in packaging, cooking, saving, and much more with effectiveness and efficiency!

360 West Magazine - Vac100

Michael Hiller is an accomplished writer and editor who has written for multiple magazines including USA Today, Dallas Morning News, and Los Angeles Times! Hiller is currently a freelance writer for both 360 West Magazine as well as the editor for EscapeHatchDallas. The specialty of his article topics revolves around food, restaurant reviews, and travel. Hiller’s years of exposure are admirable as he has gained extensive knowledge with research as a journalist in the food industry.


Considering this, we are beyond excited for the outcome as Miller captures our attention by spelling out relatable, everyday uses enhanced and facilitated using the JVR Vac100!

See what Michael Hiller has to say about the JVR Vac100 chamber vacuum sealer and get a copy of the 360 West Magazine – April 2024 edition! You will find the article titled “JVR Vac100 countertop vacuum sealer” on the top of page 68. 

The article can also be conveniently viewed as a digital copy. Click here (pg. 68) to view.

Hiller will soon be publishing the article on EscapeHatchDallas site as well!

360 West Magazine - Vac100 - JVR Industries

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Chamber Vacuum Pouch Buyer's Guide | VacPouch | VacNews

Chamber Vacuum Pouch Buyer’s Guide

“Experience the satisfaction of conveniently packing your food in the perfect size chamber vacuum pouches…”

Welcome To The Ultimate Chamber Pouch Buyer’s Guide!

Today, we provide a simple, yet effective chamber vacuum pouch buyer’s guide for all the current chamber vac owners and upcoming ones as well! Sometimes choosing the right size of chamber vacuum pouch for your product can be frustrating. JVR Industries proudly supplies our customers with a wide variety of pouch choices. Experience the satisfaction of conveniently packing your food in the perfect size chamber vacuum pouches and read below for a thorough guide to finding the right pouch sizes for your vacuum packaging needs!

chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide

JVR has been specializing in vacuum packaging since 1972. That is over 52 years of experience! We hold every confidence in ensuring high-quality products for your needs.

Our BPA-free chamber vacuum pouches are perfect for your meal planning or packaging requirements! Manufactured with polyethylene and nylon, the chamber vacuum pouch works exceptionally for a multitude of conditions such as freezing to avoid freezer burn for an incomparable amount of time as well as hot temperatures for sous vide cooking meat or boiling. Note: We do not recommend more than 5 minutes of boiling. Read This article to learn more about cooking in pouches!


Suction vacuum sealers require the use of vacuum seal bags whereas chamber vacuum sealers are compatible with either chamber pouches or vacuum sealer bags. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the difference between a chamber vacuum pouch and a vacuum sealer bag.

The main difference is the texture. Vacuum sealer bags are embossed. Consequently, they require a higher standard thickness of 4mil. A chamber vacuum pouch is smooth with no indentations and, therefore, the standard thickness is 3mil.

How does this impact you? A vacuum seal bag uses more material to manufacture due to embossment and the 4 mil standard thickness resulting in a more expensive product cost. Chamber pouches are more price-friendly since they do not require these features.

Limits Waste: If we can achieve proper communication to supply you with the right pouch size, this filters out the scenario where the pouch is too small and you will have to buy a whole new size.

Reduces Cost: Buying too large of a pouch can be quite wasteful as well. Finding that optimal size should help relieve waste and eliminate the back and forth of ordering & shipping.

VacPouch Calculate - chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide
VacPouch Calculate - chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide

We understand that choosing the right dimensions is complicated. We have found that calculations to choose the proper bag dimensions depend on the product’s shape. You can directly sort most food or product items into two categories of shapes to ensure the proper dimensions are selected – rectangular and singular cylindrical.

Rectangular Shaped Items

These include items such as your sirloin steaks and cheese blocks.

A simple visual demonstration is provided in the image below.

Calculating VacPouch Size - chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide

For example, consider the average length of the steaks you package is 8″, the average width is 6″, and the average height is 1.5″.

To calculate the proper WIDTH for your bags multiply the width x height and add 1 inch (W x H + 1 inch).

Example: 6 x 1.5 + 1 = 10 inches

To calculate the proper LENGTH for your bags, add the length + height + 2 inches (L + H + 2 inches).

Example: 8 + 1.5 + 2 inches = 11.5 inches

Therefore, the closest pouch size option is 10 inches x 12 inches.

Singular Cylindrical Shaped Items

Singular cylindrical shapes include any product such as sausage links or jerky snack sticks.

A simple visual demonstration is provided in the image below.

Singular Cylindrical Shaped Product - chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide

For example, consider packaging sausage links that have a length of 6 inches and a height of 2 inches.

To calculate the proper WIDTH for your bags multiply 1.5 times the height (H = 2 inches) and add 1 inch (1.5 x H + 1 inch).

Example: 1.5 x 2 + 1 = 4 inches

To calculate the LENGTH of your bags, add the height (H = 2 inches) plus length (L = 6 inches) plus 2 inches (H + L + 2 inches)

Example: 2 + 6 + 2 inches = 10 inches.

Therefore, the closest pouch size is 4.5″ x 12″.

What About Zipper Chamber Vac Pouches?

Easy! As stated in red on the images above, add 2 inches to the length of your product. The reason you need to add an additional 2 inches is because the header of these pouches contains the zipper, hang hole, and tear notch. The outside dimensions on these pouches can be quite deceiving since the inside dimensions diminish due to the header consuming a couple inches of product real estate.

Zipper VacPouch
Zipper VacPouch Cases
Intuitive Design

Our chamber vacuum sealer bags are not only ordered in a variety of dimensions but in a variety of thicknesses. Refer below for a description of what conditions each bag can handle and what thicknesses might be best for your items. NOTE: “MIL” stands for 1 thousandth of an inch in thickness.

3-mil Gauge

The most common choice as they are the most cost-effective. However, they possess all of the necessary features for packaging. Although they are the thinnest, the 3 mil vacuum pouches undoubtedly are great products to package any item including liquids or solids, and can withstand extreme conditions such as sous vide cooking, freezing, and boiling for up to 5 minutes! You can also pair 3 mil with VacGuard (boneguard materials) to get access to ultimate puncture resistance and reduce cost by up to 28%! With VacGuard you now have access to a concentrated 9 mil section in your pouch! Talk about puncture resistant!

Availability: 100 packs, 500 packs, and cases. Also available in zipper options.

4-mil Gauge

Slightly thicker than our 3 mil bags and, therefore, considered a more durable, slightly higher oxygen and moisture barrier. For example, if you pack ribs with a tapered bone with a semi-protruding edge, this is are a great selection. If you find yourself storing your pouches aggressively in a chest freezer, these are the perfect combatant to punctures in these scenarios.

Availability: 100 packs, 500 packs, and cases. Also available in zipper options.

5-mil Gauge

The thickest of the vacuum pouches we carry in stock! Our 5 mil boasts extremely high puncture resistance, durability, and higher oxygen/moisture barrier. The ultimate bag against multiple protruding areas in the pouch. Multiple sharp bones in your pouch? No big deal! Use 5 mil to prevent the punctures from taking place! 5 mil gauge pouches are a great option for aggressive freezer storage as well.

Availability: 100 packs, 500 packs, and cases. Also available in zipper options.

6-7 mil Gauge

A perfect pouch for businesses! Special order 6-7 mil chamber vacuum pouches that are twice as thick as the 3 mil bags for maximum puncture resistance and oxygen/moisture barrier! And yes, our chamber vacuum sealers work great for creating the same airtight seal on these pouches. Feel free to call us at (716)206-2500 to get your quote today!

Availability: This gauge is not stocked in our warehouse, but we can custom order any size and any gauge that you wish.

VacSeries Registration - vacuum packaging support

When selecting chamber vacuum pouches, consider the chamber dimensions of your chamber vacuum sealer model to avoid ordering sizes too large for the capacity of the machines. See below:

Vac100 Maximum Pouch Size (High Profile Product): 12″ x 14″ (Low Profile Product): 12″ x 12″

Vac110 Maximum Pouch Size: 11″ x 16″

Vac310 (1 Bar) Maximum Pouch Size: 16″ x 20″

Vac310 (2 Bar) Maximum Pouch Size: 16 ” x 16″

Take your pick depending on your level of use as we sell chamber vacuum pouches as 100 packs, 500 packs, in bulk in a case of 5000 pouches, plus more options! Shop now!

Click here to visit our site and review our wide variety of options that will assuredly meet your packaging needs with high quality and durability!

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | best chamber vacuum sealer for home use

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our service department who will provide detailed, educated, and personable assistance.

chamber vacuum pouch buyer's guide - unmatched customer service

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vacuum sealing liquids

5 Steps – Vacuum Sealing Liquids

vacuum sealing liquids

5 steps to vacuum seal liquids in chamber vacuum sealers

Today we discuss the basic principles or steps of how to vacuum seal liquids in a chamber vacuum sealer! Here are 5 steps to vacuum seal liquids in a chamber vacuum sealer: Pre-chill product, clean the mouth of the pouch, gravity-feed product in the pouch, increase headspace in the bag, and use a SKIP function, if present on the unit. These 5 steps help promote seal integrity, maximize vacuum draw, demote the opportunity for freezer burn, and prevent liquids from boiling over!

Vacuum Packed Food in Fridge

Lower temperatures maximize vacuum draw! Pre-chill your homemade soup, marinades, and more beforehand to maximize your vacuum draw. Decreasing temperature increases the vacuum draw you can pull before reaching boiling point.

Once a rapid boil takes place, you have officially hit the maximum vacuum draw potential for that specific pouch. You could pull for an additional 10 minutes after the rapid boil commences and all you will achieve is a mess, a bad seal, and no more vacuum draw than when the boil began.

If you were to toss a hot liquid in a chamber pouch to vacuum seal it, you would notice the liquid boiling much quicker than a chilled one! Maximize your shelf life by pre-chilling your liquids ahead of time!

VacPouch Soup Clean Mouth Papertowel

Just an ounce of liquid on the sealing area of the pouch can result in poor seal integrity. Place paper towels on the mouth of the pouch and wipe away any extra fish sauces, meat marinades, or general soups that may have been left over. Keeping the mouth clear of liquid or debris will help optimize seal integrity and reduce frustration. Vacuum seal correctly with a debris-free mouth.

Vac100 Angled Soup

Once a product begins rapid boiling it will continue to climb out of the pouch and into your vacuum sealer! Step #3 is more of a preventative measure to ensure a mess-free operation and promote optimum seal integrity. Stop the mess and bad seals by angling your pouch at a 10°-20° angle so that your liquid is gravity-feeding to the base of the vacuum bag or chamber pouch. Take this extra step to keep that liquid away from the seal area of the bag. Liquid on the mouth of the pouch will cause seal failure.

Vac100 boil over
Vac100 - Rapid Boil Soup

Leave about 2-3″ of space at the bag mouth to help prevent boilover! Increasing the distance from the edge of the liquid to the mouth of the pouch gives you more time to respond. Selecting a larger size pouch will increase the gap between the liquid and the mouth of the pouch. The more significant the gap, the better! Create a nice tight seal with just a little extra space. This method is just another way to make vacuum sealing more of an enjoyable process instead of a miserable one.

Vacuum Sealing Liquids - Vac100
Vac100 skip function display board

Some vacuum sealers and some chamber vacuum sealers do not have the functionality to exit the vacuum cycle and enter the seal cycle. Many units force the user to exit out of any and all cycles involved in the process. This means stopping the entire unit, adjusting the vacuum cycle time, and restarting. For most users, this is not a big issue because many of us are sealing the same temperature and volume of soup over and over. For others, this will be problematic because the user is constantly changing the types of homemade soups, temperatures, volume, and viscosity.

Vacuum sealing meat is a concern that many of our customers have because of the rapid boiling that takes place in the juices. The smaller the quantity of liquid, the more minimized the impact of vaporization from the boil. Some meats have a higher moisture content. We suggest not pouring all the liquids in with the meat to minimize the impact of vaporization. The less liquid you have, the less of a concern of the impact on vacuum draw. Also after sealing many high moisture content products, we suggest making certain you get your oil pump nice and hot to expel any unwanted moisture from the pump.

Can I use a mason jar to vacuum seal liquids?

Yes! You can use a mason jars to seal up liquids if you prefer this method. Vacuum sealing liquids in a mason jar does not have any other benefit when compared to a chamber sealer pouch. Chamber pouches on the other hand do. Boil water, place soup in pouch in the pot of water, pull out after 5 minutes, and enjoy your lunch or dinner without making a mess!

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer
Vac100 Seal Soup
Vac100 Seal Soup

What type of vacuum sealer is most appropriate for the job of vacuum sealing liquid rich foods?

Selecting the proper sealer whether it be a low-level vacuum sealer or industrial-grade chamber vacuum sealer is everything when sealing liquid rich foods properly. Let’s discuss the factors that can majorly impact your final seal when dealing with wayward liquid.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Dry piston vacuum pump vs oil pumps: One of the biggest factors behind longevity

Most typical low-end external models such as edge or suction vacuum sealers host what is called a dry piston pump. An external vacuum sealer might not be the best selection for liquid food. What about a chamber vacuum sealer? Some lower-end chamber sealers will even have this type of pump at the heart of the unit. So if you are considering entire liquid food items, you may want to read on!

Dry piston pumps are more than fine if you are sealing only dry food only. Once a dry pump, alternatively known as a “maintenance-free pump,” starts vacuuming any type of moisture-content products, the pump will slowly internally corrode eventually leading to an unusable pump. The downfall of a “maintenance-free” pump in this situation is that it lives up to its name: maintenance-free.

Oil-lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps on the other hand are able to expel moisture content preventing internal corrosion with proper care. Oil pumps, once they are hot, will separate the water and oil. The liquid in the pump will then vaporize and exit out of the exhaust, but continue to circulate the oil. Selecting the proper vacuum sealer with the best vacuum pump means a better life span, higher vacuum draw faster, and more! Learn more here on the differences between dry pumps and oil pumps.

JVR Vac100 - Chamber Vacuum Sealer | best chamber vacuum sealer for home use

What is the best vacuum sealer for liquids? Why a chamber sealer is best suited to vacuum seal liquids

Find a chamber vacuum sealer that checks all the boxes! Everyone is looking for an all-around, good chamber vacuum sealer with good customer service.

The JVR Vac100 chamber vacuum sealer is one of the best industrial-grade vacuum sealers for vacuum sealing liquids, general vacuum sealing, sealing retort pouches, mylar bags, sesal the largest and highest quantity of mason jar simultaneously, and so much more! Seal and freeze liquids without any opportunity for freezer burn! Vacuum seal food, use your external vacuum accessories from Foodsaver with our unit and so much more.

Learn more about what makes the JVR Vac100 one of the best chamber vacuum sealers in the market today! Click to read more.

About JVR Industries

Any further questions?

Please feel free to call JVR Industries to discuss the subject further. We have specialized in vacuum packaging for over 50 years! Vacuum sealing food, vacuum sealing meat, vacuum bags, external vacuum sealers, how to create a seal, fragile foods under vacuum, and other topics are something we would gladly discuss!

JVR Industries is available Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm EST for any further questions or technical support. You can reach us at (716)206-2500.

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Chamber pouch sealing basics

Chamber Vacuum Pouch Sealing Basics

The basics of vacuum sealing pouches include understanding cycle times, how a good vacuum seal looks, and methods to ensure seal integrity.

Today, we share chamber vacuum pouch sealing basics 101. We take our 50+ years of vacuum packaging experience and condense it down into a few quick and easy methods to keep things simple.

The basics of vacuum sealing pouches include understanding cycle times, how a good vacuum seal looks, and methods to ensure seal integrity. Let’s get into chamber vacuum pouch sealing basics!

Chamber pouch sealing basics

JVR Industries sells a variety of VacPouch sizes, quantities, and thicknesses. Quantities include 100 packs, 500 packs, and cases. These vacuum seal bags are the perfect blend of coextruded nylon and polyethylene. Our vacuum sealer bags pair perfectly with any chamber vacuum sealer including our very own VacSeries units! The best chamber vacuum sealer bags for all-around use including home use and commercial use. Vacuum bags are available in 3mil, 4mil and 5mil.

Every chamber vacuum sealer is different in the market when it comes down to vacuum, seal, and cool times especially when comparing different chamber pouch thicknesses. JVR Industries has recommended cycle times for every VacSeries chamber vacuum sealer in the market today! Click below to download the PDF for a quick reference on how to setup your chamber vacuum sealer for basic operation.

In order to vacuum seal food, it’s important to know what a good heat seal looks like to ensure your product is packaged to last. A good seal has a complete cross-hatch pattern that shows up across the entire mouth of the pouch. If there are any breaks in the weld, you most likely have a leak. Please note that the package contents that arrive with your unit include example pouches with perfect welds. This is also the case when you order a retort bar assembly. The example pouches are sealed with our recommended seal and cool times to serve as a reference.

Mouth Fold

Mouth Fold

When sealing products, if moisture or debris is left behind on the mouth of the pouch, there will be seal adhesion problems and poor seal integrity. To keep the mouth of the pouch clean, simply fold the mouth of the bag out of the way, about two to three inches down the pouch. Throw in your product, unfold the mouth of the pouch, and seal. This simple trick will help ensure great seal integrity on moisture and debris-filled products.

Prevent Wrinkles

Prevent Wrinkles

The second method would be to prevent wrinkles from taking place at the mouth of the pouch during the sealing process. Here are a couple ways to prevent wrinkles. 1) Use filler plates to level your product with the seal bar assembly. 2) Keep your product 1-2″ away from the mouth of the pouch so the “hills and valleys” in your product do not show up in the mouth of the pouch.

Inspect Weld

Inspect Weld

Visually inspect the weld on your pouch. Specifically, look for a continual and consistent cross-hatch pattern across the mouth of the bag. If there are tiny blemishes in the weld of your pouch, use the next seal integrity test to determine if your seal is appropriate.

Resistance Test

Resistance Test

Lastly, perform a resistance test. Go to the mouth of the pouch where the seal is and simply pull the two sides of the pouch away from each other. If there is no give, the adhesion of the weld is set and there is good vacuum seal integrity.

A common issue you may notice when sealing vacuum bags is a break in the seal. This typically occurs when the heat strip is broken. To fix this issue, simply replace the heat strip on your seal bar or replace the seal bar assembly entirely. Another reason you may have a break in the seal is that there’s a wrinkle in the pouch as previously discussed.


If you have pouches that are blowing out, ensure that you are using our standard 3.0-second cool time. During a cycle, the heat strip gets the pouch up to melting point to create a seal. The cooling cycle helps get the pouch below melting point so it can be released properly.

Chamber vacuum pouches that are durable and strong are now available to be used at home. These industrial strength bags will help keep your vacuum-sealed food fresh longer than traditional packaging, making it an extremely cost-effective alternative to embossed vacuum sealer style bags. Prevent freezer burn and achieve an airtight seal with our chamber vacuum pouches. Great to use for meal planning, and storing your deer meat, fish, or soups!

Tons of Applications

Sealing any solid or liquid product with a vacuum sealer machine, these bags were created to freeze and refrigerate! Preserve food and increase shelf life to decrease food waste. Additionally, these pouches can withstand being boiled for up to 20 minutes, allowing you to place them directly in boiling water. The heat resistance of the bag makes it great for sous vide cooking as well as for storage applications.

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